sábado, 1 de março de 2014

Take a Look At Me Now

Book: Take A Look At Me Now

Author: Miranda Dickinson 

Publisher: Avon

Year: 2013

Rate (1 to 5): 4,5

The Plot:

Nell Sullivan, the main character, is the newest unemployed woman of the city. Desperately, without a job, an unsolved relationship with her boyfriend and almost a homeless, she needs something to cheer her up. Suddenly, comes to her mind eight weeks trip to San Francisco. And her adventures begin…

My Opinion:

San Francisco and London are the two scenarios of the story. Yes, the two of them are important places for Nell, each one in its particular way. It is simply brilliant as the author Miranda Dickinson describes both of them. The feeling of being there, sometimes living there as well is so frequent that reader can experience an interesting movement all over the story.

The only thing I am going to say without spoiler is: when I read the synopses I thought San Francisco was the spot on focus, but Miranda shows that San Francisco is the first step to achieve 
Nell’s goal! San Francisco is the beginning of an amazing journey.
Almost every book I read or watched has good points and bad points. This one is not different. The first time I heard about the book, it had even been come out.  Conclusion: My curiosity and expectation was incredible high.
Sincerely, Take a look at me now has more positive sides than negative ones. The plot is outstanding, well-written, keeps reader’s attention all the time. Actually it’s hard to put the book on the shelf to do something else. To analyse a book, I like to study how the characters are built and developed because I believe (as a new writer) that a well-built character can save a story. Miranda has done it perfectly, no mistake at this part. The development of the book is exciting and motivates you to keep reading. Other fabulous view that author offers to readers is to go deep inside Nell’s emotions while the story is being told. Miranda investigates all fears and dreams of a 32 year-old woman truly.

Bad points exist as well. For example: the places descriptions are fantastic, otherwise, the author overdoes some times becoming unreal. Even though those events are not good, they don’t destroy the charming atmosphere. Other negative side is the way the story ends. It seems it had to end quickly. I reckon it doesn’t deserve an end like this; everything was happening smooth, nice, calm, quite a fairy tale, it wasn’t fair to end in a boring way. Perhaps I didn’t get the real meaning of whole trajectory. Please, if someone has a better explain or opinion, I will be glad to hear it.

Anyway, the book is worth to be read for sure! All Nell’s experiences make you think about your life, your dreams, your plans, your career and what yare you plans to accomplish them.

I can’t deny I want eagerly to read all Miranda Dickinson’s books.

Have a great day/night J

Inessa Silva

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